Pharmacognosy - medicinal plants (herbs)

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Herbs - Medicinal Plants

Pineapple health benefits

Medicinal properties attributed to Pineapple plant. Benefits of Pineapple. Uses, warnings about its use (contraindications). Preparation and dosage of Pineapple. Health benefits.

Health benefits attributed to Pineapple

pineapple benefits

Proteolytic digestive: Bromelain is a digestive ferment comparable to pepsin and papain.

Anti-inflammatory, hypolipidemic, antiplatelet.

Diuretic, high vitamin content and nutritional value. Dissemination agent, detergent for sores and wounds.

Antineoplastic effects have been observed as well as an elevation of the serum level of antibiotics when administered concurrently.

The fruit is used for dyspeptic symptoms, rheumatism, arthritis, gout, urolithiasis, arteriosclerosis, bronchitis, emphysema, asthma, cystic fibrosis.

Topical use: for cleaning wounds and trophic ulcers.

The pineapple core is attributed as an adjuvant in weigh-loss diets, because of its high fiber content with satiating action and slightly laxative action.

Uses of pineapple

Precautions and adverse reactions

No health hazards are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages.

Preparation and Dosage

- Use as food, fresh juice.

- Dry extract (5:1): 0.3 to 1 g / day.

- Powder of pineapple´s core: 200-600 mg, half an hour before meals.

- Hydroglycolic Extract (1:5), applied topically.


<< see also Pineapple properties and content...

REMEMBER to always consult your doctor before combining natural products with any other treatment.


summary characteristics and properties of Pineapple.

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summary characteristics and properties of Pineapple.

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  • Harrach T, Eckert K. Schulze-Forster K. Nuck R. Grunow D, Maurer HR, Isolation and partial characterization of basic proteinases from stem bromelain. J Protein Chem. 57:41-52, 1995 Jan.
  • Holtum JA, Summons R. Roeske CA, Comins HN, O'Leary MH, Allergic reactions, including asthma, to the pineapple protease bromelain following occupational exposure. Clin Allergy, 57:443-50, 1979 Sep.
  • Hotz G. Frank T, Zoller J, Wiebelt H, Antiphlogistic effect of bromelaine following third molar removal. Dtsch Zahnarztl Z, 57:830-2, 1989 Nov.
  • Taussig SS, Batkin S, Abortifacient effect of steroids from Ananas comosus and their analogues on mice. J Reprod Fertil, 22:461-2, 1976 Mar.
  • Taussig SJ. Batkin S, Bromelain, the enzyme complex of pineapple (Ananas comosus) and its clinical application. An update. J Ethnopharmacol, 22:191-203, 1988 Feb-Mar.
  • Taussig SJ. Batkin S, Modulation of pulmonary metastasis (Lewis lung carcinoma) by bromelain, an extract of the pineapple stem (Ananas comosus). Letter Cancer Invest, 22:241- 2, 1988.

Other medicinal plants

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Medicinal properties attributed to Pineapple plant. Benefits of Pineapple. Uses, warnings about its use (contraindications). Preparation and dosage of Pineapple. Health benefits.