Pharmacognosy - medicinal plants (herbs)

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Luxury Residential Lighting Design

Antibacterials. Antimicrobial herbs

Antibacterial - Antimicrobial activity

Examples of plants with antibacterial - antimicrobial drug. Click on any to see more details of its contents and properties. 


This section is constantly updated proportionally to new publications of the section: medicinal plants

Basil - Medicinal plants


Branched erect herb 30-60 cm tall, elliptic leaf, ovate, oblong, a bit dentated or entire, inflorescence 20 cm long, corolla 4-5 cm long...


Antibacterial medicinal plants - Basil

Natural antibacterial. Plants with antibacterial pharmacological action

Chamomile - Medicinal plants


Herb erect, little branched, with erect stems about 50 cm tall. Leaves sessile finely divided. Very fragrant flowerheads, located at the end of the branches, with the central part hollow and in deep yellow...


Antibacterial medicinal plants - Chamomile

Natural antibacterial. Plants with antibacterial pharmacological action

Coriander - Medicinal plants


The Coriander or Cilantro is an annual herb of the family Apiaceae (called Umbelliferae). Have straight stems, compound leaves, white flowers and aromatic fruits...


Antibacterial medicinal plants - Coriander

Natural antibacterial. Plants with antibacterial pharmacological action

Garlic - Medicinal Herbs


Garlic is an annual herb native to Central Asia but its widespread use as a condiment and medicinal properties, is cultivated in almost all continents.


Antibacterial medicinal plants - Garlic

Natural antibacterial. Plants with antibacterial pharmacological action

Guava - Medicinal plants


The guava is a shrub or small tree up to 7 m high, sparsely branched. It has aromatic leaves, opposite, entire, 4-8 cm long, with prominent veins on the underside, resembling ribs. White attractive flowers, grouping from 1 to 3; numerous stamens arranged on a width disk...


Antibacterial medicinal plants - Guava

Natural antibacterial. Plants with antibacterial pharmacological action

Lemon - Medicinal plants


The lemon is a small tree with irregular branches armed with thick spines, stiff and sharp. Leaves of 5 to 7.5 cm long. White flowers 2 cm long. Fruit round from 3 to 6 cm, greenish yellow, with plenty of acid pulp, small white seeds shaped oval...


Antibacterial medicinal plants - Lemon

Natural antibacterial. Plants with antibacterial pharmacological action

Mint - Herbs


Mint is a perennial herb, creeping, with angular branches, glabrous or slightly pubescent, leaves opposite, oblong, rough surface and serrated margin, shortly petiolate...


Antibacterial medicinal plants - Mint

Natural antibacterial. Plants with antibacterial pharmacological action

Onion - Medicinal plants


The onion is a geophytewith spherical bulbsvarying size and color depending on the cropIts leaves are lanceolate, with way of rods and white flowers clustered at the ends protruding on the rosette of leaves...


Antibacterial medicinal plants - Onion

Natural antibacterial. Plants with antibacterial pharmacological action

Oregano - Medicinal plants


High herb with fleshy leaves, hairy and angled stem used as a condiment and as an ornamental plant. It is native to tropical Asia...


Antibacterial medicinal plants - Oregano

Natural antibacterial. Plants with antibacterial pharmacological action

Calendula officinalis - Medicinal plants

Pot Marigold (Calendula officinalis)

The Calendula officinalis is an annual herbaceous plant 30-60 cm tall, simple leaves, sessile, mostly oblanceolate, hairy, chartaceous, initially grouped and subsequently arranged alternately along the stems that support in its ends the floral buds...


 Antibacterial medicinal plants - Pot marigold

Natural antibacterial. Plants with antibacterial pharmacological action

Laurel - Medicinal plants


The Pulsatilla is an herbaceous plant which has a fairly thick rhizome in black, stick to the ground in angle, from this rhizome grows a stalk which doesn´t reach much height, with leaves segmented in linear laciniates...


Antibacterial medicinal plants Pulsatilla

Natural antibacterial. Plants with antibacterial pharmacological action

Stevia - Medicinal plants


Stevia rebaudiana is a shrub that grows about 30 cm high, with composite wrapped flowers with sessile leaves 3-4 cm long, the whole plant is intensely sweet...


Antibacterial medicinal plants Stevia

Natural antibacterial. Plants with antibacterial pharmacological action

see also