Pharmacognosy - medicinal plants (herbs)

69 Lighting

Lighting Design / Lighting Control / Consulting & Supply

Luxury Residential Lighting Design

Collection of Herbs

Theme II: Pharmacoergasy

Collection of Herbs

It is very important the herbs collection technique for to these substances are not affected during the process due to they must be obtained at the crop high yields (as maturation) and moreover, proceed efficiently to prevent decomposition by fermentation of sugars.

Collection techniques

The collection of the various parts of the plant must be performed with specific techniques:


  • Flower: The collection must be newly opened and dried on clean paper.
  • Leaves: before and during flowering and spread on paper or grid.
  • Whole plants: dispossessed of wilted leaves and foreign contaminants (soil, clay, remains of other plants)
  • Seed and fruit: They do not require special treatment, but shouldn't be collected overly ripe.
  • Peel and roots: must be taken from young plants.

In the collection technique of Herbs should be considered environmental factors that influence the content´s optimization of active ingredients, these environmental factors could be:


* Location and type of soil where they grow and reproduce.

* Moon phases most suitable for collection.

* The part or parts (leaves, flowers, fruits, stems, seeds or roots) of the plant used for medicine, flavoring or seasoning and its relation to the type of disease or organ you want to treat, since in the same plant can coexist different healing properties of its components.

see also